
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011!!!

Ohhhh 2010. This year was so amazing I wish it would go on forever. But hey, like what I learned this year - change is constant, it's something to be embraced willingly. Instead of the usual new year's resolution list, I have decided to write an annual thank you list. A cap off to the past year's highlights, and a start to the many thanks I wish to have for the year to come.

I loved 2010 and I have a feeling 2011 will rock my world to the core. Bring it on. :)

So here we go!

I'm thankful for...

1. Good health for my family
    Every time I say a prayer or go to mass, I always pray for my family's health. Thankfully, both my parents and siblings had no illness this year.

2. Nikolai
    This year God (and my dad) has brought me another wonderful creature to give me unconditional love. My bebe boo now 10 months old, is such a bundle of joy.

3. Wonderful job opportunities
    Not only did I work for a magazine this year, I scored my dream job by working for a sports magazine. The UAAP magazine is one of the best experiences I have ever had. Not only did God make the experience super fun, the magazine sales also did very well.

4. New people
    This year, I managed to meet new people and see the ones that only make my life toxic. I'm thankful that there is less drama for me this year. I mean, really now, I'm 23. I'm too old for drama.

5. Moving on
    I started out this year without much idea where to start. I am THANKFUL that after so long, I'm finally content and comfortable where I am. I'm not out to seek more, and if I am it is only for myself.

6. Australia
    This is by far the biggest gift 2010 gave me. I went from not knowing where to go to having all my ducks in a line.

It took me a long time to get here and I guess 2010 was a perfect year to choose my own path. I am thankful about all the things I had to go through, the decisions I had to make, and most specially realizing that I am not just happy, but happiER. 2010 is something I would wish on anybody, just because this year made me so happy and complete. I'm no longer scared about the future, because I know I can take whatever it dishes out. So to everyone, a happy new year. Be thankful. Be strong. Most importantly, be happy.

Happy New Year! :)